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This kit will equip a generator using the John Deere 4045 engine* with the Ventech LHG Thermal Load Management System (TLMS).


The LHG-TLMS exercises the engine by automatically applying a mechanical load to maintain the ideal engine operating load and temperature when the electrical load drops below a predetermined threshold for a protracted period. This better protects both the engine and the exhaust after-treatment system.


The LHG-TLMS is available as part of an installation kit tailored for each specific generator application.


*Note: The JD 4045 engine is widely used and while this kit is as universal as possible, it may not fit all John Deere 4045 equipped generators. Please contact us if you are concerned about fitting this kit to your generator.

LHG-TLMS Kit for generators with John Deere JD4045

SKU: LHG700-0230
Excluding Sales Tax
  • The LHG700-0230 Kit for John Deere 4045 Equipped Generators includes: 


    • LHG700 Subassembly
    • Various Mounting Brackets and Stand-Offs
    • The LHG ECU (Electronic Control Unit)
    • The GPMS ECU
    • ECU Harness
    • GPMS Measurement Harness
    • GPMS Power Harness
    • Misc Fasteners, washers, and hardware.
    • Two (2) Hoses
    • Drive Pulley
    • Serpentine Belt


    (specifics are provided in the installation manual).


    Make sure that you are purchasing the correct LHG Installation Kit for your application. Different applications use the same LHG700 and other components, however, each generator platform requires a unique kit. If you are not sure which kit to purchase, please contact us at, or call 248-863-5226.

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