Diesel generators often suffer from complications caused by operating at low load or in cold weather conditions. These include increased emissions, engine deposits, reduced power and efficiency, wet-stacking, increased maintenance costs, compromised after-treatment reliability, and decreased engine life.
Ventech's Liquid Heat Generator (LHG) and Thermal Load Management System (TLMS) is the solution.

How does it work?
Watch the LHG TLMS in action
Completely automated and regulated by the Ventech Gen-3 Electronic Control Unit, the LHG TLMS exercises the engine by automatically applying a mechanical load to maintain proper operating and exhaust temperatures when the electrical load drops below a predetermined threshold for a set period of time. The instant an external electrical load returns, the Gen-3 ECU disengages the LHG.
Proven on generator systems operating as far north as Prudhoe Bay and North Slope Alaska. Ventech's LHG TLMS is factory installed on many new generators from Wacker Neuson, Doosan, Generac, and Atlas Copco.
Better Than Electrical Load Banks
Unlike electrical load banks, the LHG maintains proper running temperatures more efficiently by converting mechanical load into heat. That heat is then returned to the engine through the engine coolant – improving combustion and fuel efficiency, reducing emissions, and better protecting the engine. ​
Low cost and unmatched performance
ECU controlled engine load
Improves heat management
Improves engine exhaust gas temp.
Improves DPF regeneration and performance
Protect Your Investment
The LHG TLMS is available for a number of generators - see list below.
If you would like to add the Ventech LHG THMS to your generator, or protect your whole fleet, contact your generator manufacturer, or Ventech directly.
If you would like to discuss an OEM partnership to improve the performance and reliability of your diesel generator products, we would love to hear from you.
Factory installed and aftermarket LHG TLMS kits are available for various diesel generator systems.
Atlas Copco
Available through Atlas Copco:
Watch the Doosan Video
Available through Doosan:
Available through Generac
as the ALD option for the:
John Deere Engine Equipped
Available through Ventech:
LHG TLMS for JD4045
John Deere engine
diesel generators
Wacker Neuson
Available through Wacker Neuson as the Level Load Logic L3 option:
G25 T4 (Isuzu, 2016-Present)
G25 T4f (Kohler)
G25 T4i (Isuzu, 2016-Present)
G40 T4f (Kohler)
G50 T4f (Cummins, 2016-Present)
G50 T4f (Kohler)
G50 T4i (Deere, 2016-Present)
G70 T3 (Deere, 2016-Present)
G70 T4 (Cummins, 2016-Present)
G70 T4f (Kohler)
G70 T4i (Cummins, 2016-Present)
G90 T4 (Cummins, 2016-Present)
G100 T3 (Deere, 2016-Present)
G100 T4i (Cummins, 2016-Present)
G120 T3 (Deere, 2016-Present)
G120 T4i (Cummins, 2016-Present)
G130 T4 (Cummins, 2016-Present)